For those of you who don't know what this is, it's a collection of web-based utilities that I have written to make my life (or the
life of those around me) easier. As I continue to write new scripts, etc they will end up here. Following a link to each utility is a
description of what that utility does.
Email Cleaner
The Email Cleaner is there for the sole purpose of cleaning the >>>> out
of email forwards. If you are the type of person who forwards emails to
other people, please at least have the courtesy to use this utility to
clean them up a bit first.
Binary Tree Generator
The Binary Tree Generator is just a simple tool to build a binary tree.
The truth of the matter is that I was rather bored one saturday so I
decided to see if I could implement a binary tree in perl. Sorry, I'm
one of those people who likes to do something in a language (even if it
has already been done) just to prove to myself that it can be done.
Rot13 Encryptor The Rot13 encryption
is a kind of joke in the certain societies. Basically you just add 13 to
the value of a number (you know, a=1 and z=26?) and subtract 26 if the
number is greater then 26. It's even easier in perl but I'll let you figure
out how and why. ;) Anyway, I used to do this when I would pass notes in
class, and my teachers always thought that it was a much harder code than it
was; I guess they were a bit slow. Anyway, I have updated it to be done in
perl now.
Line Number Extractor
The Line num Extractor will eliminate line numbers from a text block.
<br> Adder
All this does is append <br> to the end of every line (even blank
ones) that is fed to it.
<br> Remover
All this does is remove <br> from every line that is fed to it.
Filename HTML Generator The HTML
generator will take a list of files (supplied with a newline [
in between each one.) It will turn them into the form:
<a href=""></a>
Number series Generator This program generates a list of numbers. You
specify the first and last, and it does the rest.