Mangaview 1.1
Thank you for your interest in Mangaview, the cheep (read: "free") and easy solution for displaying your manga on the internet. This
software is
free, I only ask that you not remove the "Powered By Mangaview" line at the bottom of each page - and that only so that other people can
find this. Mangaview is designed to be a powerful as possible, yet simple enough to make it easy to use.
Here's what you can do on this site:
Here are questions that I get asked a lot....
What is Manga?
There are lots of places where you can find this out. Just see google.
What is Mangaview?
Mangaview is a set of PHP files that allow a user to rapidly setup an online manga (or any other comic, for that matter) - complete with
index, author commentary and a simple navigation system.
Are you planning any more upgrades?
That depends on if anyone wants more. ;) See the Upgrades Page for more
How much does it cost?
Nothing. It's free. It's also not really supported. If you have a question,
If I'm not all
that busy, I'll probably help you out. If you want a significantly more advanced system, let's talk. I'm a professional coder, so I
charge accordingly. ;)
Do you draw Manga?
Nope. I have all the artistic skill of an steak dinner - but less tasty. Mmmmm. Steak... What was I saying? Oh! Right... This
system was actually designed for a friend of mine, but it's useful - so I give it away if other people wanna use it. You can see her
work (and this system in action) at
Where can I get it?
Here: Mangaview Download Page.