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Obfuscated Sayings (Author: Unknown)

1) Obfuscation, as a state of existance, tends toward jubilation.

2) It is advisable not to perform a visual survalance of the species caballus at the antithesis terminus of the anus when the method of payment is contrary to that of monetary exchange.

3) An object moving against the gradient of the field universally defined between two bodies will, by necessity, return to the local minimum potential field.

4) A preponderance of energy-depleting industry accompanied by the utter lack of any tension-relieving child-like occupation contributes to the state of one named Jack being an extremely yawn-inspiring specimen of young manhood.

5) The negative outcomes which may be anticipated in any particular endeavor are exactly correllary to the number of negative outcomes which are possible in any particular endeavor.
Minerals exibiting properties of horizontal inertia have infinately negative tendencies toward procuring filamentous bryophyte of the class Musci.

6) Bipedal sentient entities engaging in domicilious occupation of atomic structures of silicon and lime comprising an entire edifice would be well advised to refrain from making projectiles of metamorphic, sedimentary, or igneous entities.

7) One who himself manifests some particular characteristic is required in order to detect said characteristic in another.

8) Conduct a potentially violent struggle involving rapid oxidation with rapid oxidation.

9) A quantity limited to whole numbers between the values of one and three are prerequisite to the performance of a specific rhythmic and patterned succesion of steps which may or may not involve a solitary floral arrangement.

10) A single unit of the least part of one's attire performed in a manner consistent with what is typically described as that of a minimum period, will preclude the neccesitation of any number of said single units included, noninclusively, in the set described as the numbers eight through ten.

11) A single avian entity detained amidst one's digits is qualitatively equivalent to a pair contained within a cluster of foliage.

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